When earthly help is no avail, there is one friend who will never fail. Just lift ur eyes, the answer is there. For nobody knows the power of prayer. Have a worry free day. ***** Have a Happy time friend Take good care Kismat(Basiah)
Hope you wake up with a smile on your face, a heart full of love and a morning full of inspiration, with a prayer that God will bless you always. ***** Good morning friend Jummah mubarak Have a Blessings Friday Take care Kismat(Basiah)
As Rain Cover The Sun Truth Cover The Lie Angle Cover The Evil Flower Cover The Garden I Wish and Pray That Happiness Cover All The Worries Of Your Life. ***** Have a happy life friend Take care Kismat(Basiah)
Sometimes we must be hurt in order to grow, Sometimes we must fail in order to know, Sometimes we must lose in order to gain Because some lessons in life are best learned through pain. Have a blessing day ! ***** Good Luck ****** Kismat(Basiah)
رغم الألم رغم الاحزان رغم نبض القلب المجروح ستبقى دوما عالقا بين النفس و الروح و حتى لو لم استطع لك البوح و حتى لو كنت دوما كطيرٍ مذبوح سأعلمك بما فى و بما لى مسموح حبك اجمل ما خلق لى و أعظم شئٍ لقلبى ممنوح